Black Friday vs Cyber Monday
What’s the difference between Black Friday and Cyber Monday? There's not a huge amount of difference, to be honest. Many Black Friday deals last all the way through to (and beyond) Cyber Monday too. Cyber Monday was originally unconnected to Black Friday – the term was coined to mark the date when everybody went "Yikes! It’s nearly Christmas and I haven’t bought any presents!" and ordered tons of things online when they were supposed to be working. It used to be that Black Friday - mostly in store in the US - was focused on consumer electronics, and Cyber Monday more on clothing and jewellery, but the lines are pretty much fully blurred now. They're now what might more accurately be described as Black Friday And Cyber Monday And The Week Before And After And A Bit More If You’re Amazon, as the online giant spreads its sales rather widely. But that’s too long to type, and BFACMATWBAAAABMIYA is a terrible acronym – so let’s stick with Black Friday and Cyber ...